If you've read through our web site and would now like to learn more about if and how we might be able to help you achieve your desired results, please contact us to set up a time to talk.
When you call us, we'll have a conversation to learn about your hopes, objectives and priorities, and to see whether what we offer seems to be enough of a fit to move forward.
If there's a fit, we'll then set up a meeting, either by telephone or in person, to conduct an in-depth discovery interview in which we gather information that allows us to provide you a scope of work, outlining the issues and best solutions.
Call or email us to set up an initial phone meeting. And, mahalo for making a positive difference in our communities!
Eric M. Kapono: (808) 969-3991 or kapono@advancementservices.org
Advancement Services for Native Nonprofits
Eric M. Kapono, Owner
PO Box 4789
Hilo, HI 96720
Telephone: +1 (808) 969-3991
Facsimile: +1 (808) 443-0013
Skype: erickapono
Email: kapono@advancementservices.org
Web: www.advancementservices.org
See more about our services